Sunday, April 16, 2023

Ageism attacks all ages

 I'm watching my DVR recording of  "Good Morning America" with Johnathan Karl. He reported the arrest of a "21-year-old National Guardsman for allegedly leaking a treasure trove of classified material, for allegedly sharing hundreds of classified documents on Discord" (a voice, video and text chat app that Karl says is popular among "young gamers".)

Lindsey Graham, Senator from South Carolina in being interviewed by Karl immediately went to the question which I have heard repeated every day since the leak was exposed:  "How does a 21-year-old airman . . . have access to all this information?"  

There it is! Judging a person based on age!!  It's ageism.  Blatant, Categorial ageism!

Whatever the issues are in this serious, perhaps dangerous and unfortunate leak of classified information, as long as it focuses on chronological age as a valid factor in the leak is ageist.

That's it.  A short blog post because the expressions of ageism in the news around this issue  is undeniable.

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