Friday, March 13, 2020

"Do Not Let Residents Escape"

Recently I was speaking with a colleague who told me about  the sign she saw as she approached the front door of a nursing home.  It read:  "Do Not Let Residents Escape".

Does reading that 'sign' make you  gasp or recoil?  If so, it is because of the dichotomy between what that sign signifies and your mental concept of those persons living in that nursing home. The flip side of this is that when we use such words without thought or intentionality, they deepen our dehumanizing reflection of personhood. Along  with a dehumanizing reflection of aging --  ageism in action.

So -- as a reminder of my post on March 4th -- gather your team, your peers, your staff  next Friday and participate in the Action Pact-sponsored webinar.

See my March 4th post on instructions for registration.

If we change our words, we can  change the world!

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