The Pioneer Network Conference is far and
away the absolute best venue for stretching ones knowledge and imagination
about how aging and aging services can be transformed into a humane, value-laden, purposeful life for our elders.
The following information is taken directly from the
website of
It is a listing, on one page, of all the offerings at the Pioneer Network Conference in New Orleans, July 31 - August 3.
It is a listing, on one page, of all the offerings at the Pioneer Network Conference in New Orleans, July 31 - August 3.
I am offering a half-day Intensive, Intensive # 5 on Monday, August 1. It involves a look at and study of how one's congregational documents reflect the spirit of the standards of care expressed in the Federal minimum standards of care for licensed nursing homes. We will reflect on and discuss how service to our own members is truly a ministry of prophetic witness, a stance to which we are called as women religious.
Whether a Sisters' nursing home is licensed or not, no one can argue against maintaining, implementing "minimum standards of care" in any retirement setting for our Sisters.
I always enjoy looking at the presentations offered with
the same excitement with which, as a child, I used to look through again and again the Sears Christmas Catalogue
that the postman delivered! Enjoy!
Conference Intensives
Pioneer Network Workshop Intensives allow for a deep dive into
crucial topics. Experienced Guides, who can demonstrate with hands-on
practical approaches, will get to the heart and soul of the subject matter,
while giving you the nuts and bolts that you can take home and use immediately.
These Workshop Intensives are designed especially for YOU – the Pioneer
attendee. So prepare for a day of interactive intense learning experiences.
For our 2016 conference, the Workshop Intensives will take place on the first day of the conference: MONDAY, AUGUST 1, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. There will be four full-day Intensives and nine half-day Intensives offered. You can register for one full-day intensive or the pair of half-day Intensives that works best for you.
For our 2016 conference, the Workshop Intensives will take place on the first day of the conference: MONDAY, AUGUST 1, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. There will be four full-day Intensives and nine half-day Intensives offered. You can register for one full-day intensive or the pair of half-day Intensives that works best for you.
Monday, August 1
Intensive Schedule
8:00 – 11:45
Intensives 1
11:45 – 1:15
Lunch (Exhibit visits
& networking)
1:15 – 5:00
Intensives 2
FULL-DAY INTENSIVES (click on Intensive name
for details)
INT #4: Getting It Right for Each Resident: Creating a Culture of
Prevention and Continuous Improvement
8:00-11:45 (click on Intensive name for details)
INT #6: Love Matters: Leadership Lessons from Wise Women (repeated in afternoon time slot)
– 5:00pm (click on Intensive name for details)
INT #10: Love Matters: Leadership Lessons from Wise Women (repeat of morning session)
INT #12: Advancing Care Excellence for Seniors (ACE.S):
Integrating Nursing Skills for Person Centered Care
Working Together to Put Living
First: A Culture Change Guidebook
This all-day intensive explores
one organization's award-winning, collaborative culture change journey, guided
by Appreciative Inquiry, and engages participants in a variety of practical
resources from a new, research-based guidebook organizations can use to begin
or strengthen their culture change efforts. This comprehensive intensive will
feature a variety of perspectives, from researcher, senior leaders, care
partners, and elders themselves. First, participants will engage in
self-reflection and strategic-planning activities aimed at building a solid
foundation for culture change. Then, participants will engage with practical,
yet fun, strategies and resources to mobilize a culture change journey guided
by Appreciative Inquiry.
Jennifer Carson, Researcher, University of Nevada, Reno
Susan Brown, Research Coordinator, Schlegel-University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging
Jessica Luh-Kim, Director of Program Development and Education, Schlegel Villages
Jennifer Carson, Researcher, University of Nevada, Reno
Susan Brown, Research Coordinator, Schlegel-University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging
Jessica Luh-Kim, Director of Program Development and Education, Schlegel Villages
Building a Culture of
Person-Directed Living: Four Key Elements
Everything in the area of aging
services is moving towards an approach that recognizes the sovereignty of the
individual receiving supports and services. Terms like 'person-centered
care' and 'person centered planning' are bandied about, oftentimes without a
clear definition or framework of what is meant by these words. This
presentation provides a highly experiential glimpse into the four core elements
of person directed living, the ultimate expression of elder empowerment that
effectively shifts power and focus to the elder and the care partner closest to
Cean Eppelheimer, Organizational Change Consultant, PHI
Kathy McCollett, Organizational Change Consultant, PHI
Cean Eppelheimer, Organizational Change Consultant, PHI
Kathy McCollett, Organizational Change Consultant, PHI
Person-Centered Life in Assisted
Navigating a Shifting Landscape
Navigating a Shifting Landscape
Missed it last year? Back by Popular Demand! |
This intensive will explore current trends and best practices in
person-centered assisted living. Your interactive day will confront some of the
myths and realities of assisted living. You will explore how meeting clinical,
social, and emotional needs in the face of increasing acuity can be done
without compromising person-centered principles. At the same time, you will
accrue useable tools and best practices to create better person-centered living
Juliet Holt-Klinger, Senior Director of Dementia Care, Brookdale Senior Living
Jeanne Heid-Grubman, Administrator, Franciscan Retirement Community
Juliet Holt-Klinger, Senior Director of Dementia Care, Brookdale Senior Living
Jeanne Heid-Grubman, Administrator, Franciscan Retirement Community
Getting it Right for Each
Resident: Creating a Culture of Prevention and Continuous Improvement
Your performance outcomes are
measured by each person's daily experience in your care. This session will help
you get to yes for these three questions:
- Do people who can,
get better?
- Do you catch early
warning signs and use your best clinical skills to intervene and prevent
avoidable events?
- Do residents
maintain their routines for when they eat, take their medicines, get up
and go to bed?
Learn how to be a leader who engages all your staff in a
continuous loop of communication and collaboration. Everyone knows what needs
to be done, and their part in it.
Barbara Frank, Co-Founder, B&F Consulting
Cathie Brady, Co-Founder, B&F Consulting
David Farrell, VP of Sub-acute Operations, Telecare Corporation
Barbara Frank, Co-Founder, B&F Consulting
Cathie Brady, Co-Founder, B&F Consulting
David Farrell, VP of Sub-acute Operations, Telecare Corporation
Sisters: Still Called to be
Pioneers, Poets and Prophets
Pioneer Sisters coming to this
country came without any blueprint for meeting the needs of an immigrant
population in their new environment. Yet, we are bearers of a rich legacy of
diverse ministries, executed with vision, competence and compassion. We again
find ourselves at a place without blueprints: when aging-related services for
our members require the bulk of personnel, finances, and planning. We are still
called, by our vocation to respond with vision, competence and compassion. This
session provides tools for seeing with new eyes how aging services should be
seen and implemented as a profound element of Congregational mission.
Sister Imelda Maurer
Sister Imelda Maurer
Note: This is session is repeated in the afternoon
Love Matters: Leadership Lessons
from Wise Women
Wise women, including our mothers and grandmothers, have taught
us valuable lessons in life. Through their caring we have learned to laugh,
play, sing, dance, dream, and then realize those dreams. Through their wisdom
we have learned values and manners, how to treat people, and how to persevere
through difficult times. Through their hearts we have learned unconditional
love. These are all meaningful lessons for leaders working to transform the
culture of aging. In this powerful session, you will be embraced in the caring
heart of wise women leaders, and you will be nurtured and transformed as a
leader for change.
Nancy Fox, Chief Innovation Officer, Vivage Senior Living
Susan Ryan, Senior Director, The Green House Project
Denise Hyde, Community Builder, The Eden Alternative
Sarah Rowan, Elder Wisdom Keeper
Sandy Ransom, Great Grandmother
Jude Thomas, Founder and Mother of Eden
Nancy Fox, Chief Innovation Officer, Vivage Senior Living
Susan Ryan, Senior Director, The Green House Project
Denise Hyde, Community Builder, The Eden Alternative
Sarah Rowan, Elder Wisdom Keeper
Sandy Ransom, Great Grandmother
Jude Thomas, Founder and Mother of Eden
We're All In This Together:
Multiple Stakeholder Insights On Integrating Quality Improvement In a Large
Change presents challenges and opportunities. How change happens
determines success. This intensive engages participants in learning about and
using an evidence-based approach that makes quality improvement (QI) easier and
more likely to achieve its full potential. The step-by-step method integrates
QI into staff members' everyday habits, enabling continuous innovation.
Stakeholders from the Department of Veterans Affairs— including residents,
frontline staff, managers, and national leaders—will share insights from their
experiences using the method and will engage participants in hands-on learning.
Participants will practice applying the approach and will leave with
individualized plans for their own QI projects.
Christine Hartmann, Researcher, Bedford VA Medical Center
A. Lynn Snow, Researcher, Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center/University of Alabama
Christine Hartmann, Researcher, Bedford VA Medical Center
A. Lynn Snow, Researcher, Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center/University of Alabama
Supporting Well-being for the
Person with Dementia:
It Begins with Comfort
It Begins with Comfort
As the US population ages,
long-term care organizations are called to address the ever changing needs of
persons with dementia. Questions regarding autonomy and personhood are at the
center of quality of care and quality of life for people who have trouble
thinking. Adopting comfort-focused strategies for people with dementia is
answer. This session will explore the theories and evidence supporting a
comfort model of care as well as how to implement this best-practice model in
your organization.
Tena Alonzo, Director of Education & Research, Beatitudes Campus
Karen Mitchell, Comfort Matters Nurse Educator, Beatitudes Campus
Karen Harper, Community Director and Dementia Coordinator, Isabella Geriatric Center
Deidre Downs, Corporate Director for Social Work and Supportive Care Programs, Cobble Hill Nursing Home
Robert Herel, Director of Social Work, Cobble Hill Nursing Home
Liza Long, Dementia Care Unit Manager, Cobble Hill Nursing Home
Sharon Blake, Dementia Coordinator, The New Jewish Home
Tena Alonzo, Director of Education & Research, Beatitudes Campus
Karen Mitchell, Comfort Matters Nurse Educator, Beatitudes Campus
Karen Harper, Community Director and Dementia Coordinator, Isabella Geriatric Center
Deidre Downs, Corporate Director for Social Work and Supportive Care Programs, Cobble Hill Nursing Home
Robert Herel, Director of Social Work, Cobble Hill Nursing Home
Liza Long, Dementia Care Unit Manager, Cobble Hill Nursing Home
Sharon Blake, Dementia Coordinator, The New Jewish Home
Integrating Complementary
Therapies in Our Elder's Lives and Our Work
You will experience "a
taste" of many complimentary therapies in this session to have an
understanding of their benefits and identify ones you may want to dive into in
a deeper way. Program goals include bringing about social integration,
relaxation, a sense of community and a healthy approach to our human needs.
Other benefits are ways of managing pain, stress and isolation and demonstrated
positive outcomes for elders and staff. We will discuss challenges and
successes of incorporating these therapies into everyday life of our
Evy Cugelman, Innovations Specialist, Vivage Quality Health Partners
Elizabeth Flattery, Wellness Director, Friendship Haven
Raquel Jarrard, Assisted Living Director/RN, Friendship Haven
Evy Cugelman, Innovations Specialist, Vivage Quality Health Partners
Elizabeth Flattery, Wellness Director, Friendship Haven
Raquel Jarrard, Assisted Living Director/RN, Friendship Haven
Half-Day Intensives 1:15-5:00 (with 90-minute lunch
after the morning sessions end)
Build your own full day intensive
Note: This is an exact repeat session from the morning
Love Matters: Leadership Lessons
from Wise Women
Wise women, including our mothers and grandmothers, have taught
us valuable lessons in life. Through their caring we have learned to laugh,
play, sing, dance, dream, and then realize those dreams. Through their wisdom
we have learned values and manners, how to treat people, and how to persevere
through difficult times. Through their hearts we have learned unconditional
love. These are all meaningful lessons for leaders working to transform the
culture of aging. In this powerful session, you will be embraced in the caring
heart of wise women leaders, and you will be nurtured and transformed as a
leader for change.
Nancy Fox, Vivage Senior Living
Susan Ryan, The Green House Project
Denise Hyde, The Eden Alternative
Sarah Rowan, Elder Wisdom Keeper
Sandy Ransom, Great Grandmother
Jude Thomas, Founder and Mother of Eden
Nancy Fox, Vivage Senior Living
Susan Ryan, The Green House Project
Denise Hyde, The Eden Alternative
Sarah Rowan, Elder Wisdom Keeper
Sandy Ransom, Great Grandmother
Jude Thomas, Founder and Mother of Eden
From the Executive's Desk:
Motivations, Experiences, and Outcomes
Are we really moving from flavor of the month to a widespread
change in culture? Hear from executive leaders about their case for deep,
sustained organizational change. What motivated these innovators'
personal and organizational transformations? Participate in a candid
conversation and reflections from these pioneers about their experiences and
approaches to change, including the most significant barriers that got in their
way and the drivers that kept them moving forward. We'll discuss the
outcomes they achieved and leave you with strategies for influencing leaders in
your organization to commit to deep and sustained change.
Megan Hannan, Executive Leader, Action PACT
Megan Hannan, Executive Leader, Action PACT
KaraLe Causey, Owner, Haven Nursing and Rehab Center
Steve McAllily, CEO, Methodist Senior Services
Jeff Jerebker, Blogger, Author, Elder Care Influencer
Glenn Van Ekeren, President, Vetter Health Services
KaraLe Causey, Owner, Haven Nursing and Rehab Center
Steve McAllily, CEO, Methodist Senior Services
Jeff Jerebker, Blogger, Author, Elder Care Influencer
Glenn Van Ekeren, President, Vetter Health Services
Advancing Care Excellence for
Seniors (ACE.S): Integrating Nursing Skills for Person Centered Care
Calling all nurses!! The National League for Nursing (NLN) and
PHI (Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute) have partnered to provide evidence
based training tools for gerontological nurses, using as a foundation the NLN's
Advancing Care Excellence for Seniors (ACE.S) program and PHI's
Coaching-communication skills. With funding from the Retirement Research
Foundation (RRF), this curriculum is being taught to practical nurse educators
across the country. Join us to engage in conversations and interactive teaching
strategies that explore the role of nurses through the eyes of the person
served and that identify aspects of self-awareness and self-management as core
to effective gerontological nurses. Participants will leave the workshop with
ideas about how to integrate coaching communication skills and ACE.S teaching
strategies to improve the quality of care for older adults and their
Sue Misiorski, Director of Coaching and Consulting, PHI
Anna Ortigara, Organizational Change Consultant, PHI
Sue Misiorski, Director of Coaching and Consulting, PHI
Anna Ortigara, Organizational Change Consultant, PHI
Culture Change Dining Can Work
from Trayline to Household
In this session, we will show communities at all stages of Food
Service in Skilled living how to implement Culture Change and deep seeded
resident choice. Just because you have not gotten off a trayline or using
a satellite does not mean you cannot implement aspects of Culture Change that
will have significant impact on the lives of your residents.
Jonathan Addess, Regional Director of Culinary and Nutrition Services, ACTS Retirement Communities
Jonathan Addess, Regional Director of Culinary and Nutrition Services, ACTS Retirement Communities
Let's Get Unreal! Practical Tools
to Incorporate Creativity for Life Enrichment
Discover thrilling possibilities
when relationship-centered enrichment occurs in an experience that leaves
elders saying things like, "You're a brain stretcher. You make us look
outside our world," and "This makes the week. Do we think of pains
and aches? No we don't." Kareen King, Creative Engagement Specialist,
shares field-tested tools that foster the desire Elders have to learn, play,
discover, create, belong, and express themselves. Groundwork will be laid on
the basics of creative improvisation and how it works with storytelling,
poetry, conversation, music, and more. Participants will both learn and
experience techniques, and will discover how creativity can occur during
personal care and mealtime, not just during planned activities.
Kareen King, Registered Drama Therapist, The Golden Experience
Kareen King, Registered Drama Therapist, The Golden Experience
Concurrent Session
August 2, 10:30am - 12noon
Working Together to Support Well-Being:
An Upstream Approach to Eliminating Downstream Interventions
in Care for Persons Living with Dementia
Increasingly, healthcare professionals are moving from pharmacological approaches 'treating' persons living with dementia to an array of non-pharmacological 'interventions'. While this shift may appear progressive, it perpetuates a reductionist, biomedical paradigm that is reactive rather than proactive. Most distress represents expressions of unmet needs. Instead of treating ill-being, our primary goal should be supporting well-being. After exploring the meaning and importance of well-being for persons living with dementia and their care partners, this session offers a practice example of one organization's journey to engage all community members in working together to promote well-being through an initiative called the 'Dialogue Project'.
Jennifer Carson, University of Nevada, Reno
Preventing Falls: An Innovative Approach to Restorative Nursing
This session will discuss how decreased mobility is the primary cause of falls and an overall deterioration in the health of residents. Traditional restorative nursing programs do little to address balance, strength and endurance issues that lead to immobility. This session will discuss exercise & restorative nursing programs that prevent falls by enhancing mobility, balance, strength and endurance of residents. It will describe how to set up an environment to help promote safe mobility and how to capture the program on the MDS restorative nursing section.
Jeri Lundgren, President, Senior Providers Resource
Sue Boyd, Vice President of Quality Assurance, Elim Care
The Role of Compassion in Elder Care
We are born to relate, to connect and to bond. The most noble of human relationships is compassion. No other profession is as closely associated with the virtue of compassion as is eldercare. What is compassion? What is the scientific evidence that explains and supports compassion? What is the leader's role in establishing a culture of compassion? The answers to these questions will be discussed during this session. We will discuss how compassion interfaces with the five universal needs and yearnings that make each of us human: To Be; To Become; To Belong; To Be our Best; and To Reach Beyond... Content of this presentation is based on the recently published book "The Return of Compassion to Healthcare," written by Dr. V. Tellis-Nayak.
Dr. V. Tellis-Nayak, Senior Researcher, National Research Corporation
Mary Tellis-Nayak, VP Quality Initiatives, My Innerview
Rewriting Dementia: Using Poetry to Engage,
Creatively Stimulate and Empower Those with Dementia
In this session, you'll learn innovative ways to engage, creatively stimulate, and empower people living with dementia. The Mind's Eye Poetry method challenges stereotypes and advocates for a new approach to engagement. Learn how to plan theme-based, one-hour sessions that result in the creation of poetry using the ideas, words, and phrases of the individual living with dementia. This session is tailored to all caregivers, whether caring for someone in their own home or in residential care communities.
Molly Middleton Meyer, Poet, Mind's Eye Poetry
In this session, you'll learn innovative ways to engage, creatively stimulate, and empower people living with dementia. The Mind's Eye Poetry method challenges stereotypes and advocates for a new approach to engagement. Learn how to plan theme-based, one-hour sessions that result in the creation of poetry using the ideas, words, and phrases of the individual living with dementia. This session is tailored to all caregivers, whether caring for someone in their own home or in residential care communities.
Molly Middleton Meyer, Poet, Mind's Eye Poetry
Aging Well - Living Fully
Aging well requires continuously finding purpose and meaning in living.
Using a custom-created questionnaire, our international team is collecting stories from older adults to build knowledge and understanding of what it is like to age in a variety of circumstances. From this we are developing a tool to help persons in late life find wellbeing as they define it for themselves. We will share stories, what we've learned, and the tools and processes we've developed and continue to test.
Helen Guthrie, President, Guthrie Consulting, Inc.
Kathy Laurenhue, CEO, Wiser Now, Inc.
Takin' It to the Streets! Engaging Consumers in Redefining Care
and Revolutionizing Their Expectations
historically, revolutions are successful only when the people affected lead the charge. And so it is with revolutionizing culture change. The time has come for us to collaborate with and empower those directly receiving care and their care partners all along the continuum. Eden at Home, an initiative of The Eden Alternative, is the perfect vehicle to engage consumers in a meaningful way. Through a series of workshops that delve deeply into person-directed care values, care partners learn that the caregiving and care receiving experiences can be not only meaningful, but very different experiences than previously thought.
Kim McRae, President & FCTA (Family Caregiver Turned Advocate), Have a Good Life
Mel Coppola, Owner, Hearts in Care
Building an Environment: The Human Approach
The session will describe how an organization can achieve real culture change in a residential household using the adapted Butterfly Home model developed by U.K.'s Dementia Care Matters. Participants will engage in a mini-workshop using tools to create a dementia friendly environment. The importance of enhancing residents' meal experience and ways to do so will also be discussed.
Renate Sainsbury, General Manager, Lifestyle Options Retirement Communities
Jennifer Mabugat-Chan, Director of Care/Clinical Lead, Lifestyle Options Retirement Communities
Person Centered Rehabilitation: The NET Model
and the Role of Team Collaboration in Clinical Success
The NET model represents an innovative approach to providing rehabilitation to individuals living with moderate to severe dementia that is grounded in person-centered care, team collaboration and the promotion of meaningful engagement. NET results in positive functional outcomes and enhanced engagement, as documented in a recent research study. This session will introduce the NET model, highlighting the ways in which it represents culture change in rehabilitation services, lessons learned, and a review of the research and its findings.
Kelly Carney, Executive Director, Phoebe Ministries
Jennifer Howanitz, Director of Rehabilitation Services, Phoebe Ministries
The NET model represents an innovative approach to providing rehabilitation to individuals living with moderate to severe dementia that is grounded in person-centered care, team collaboration and the promotion of meaningful engagement. NET results in positive functional outcomes and enhanced engagement, as documented in a recent research study. This session will introduce the NET model, highlighting the ways in which it represents culture change in rehabilitation services, lessons learned, and a review of the research and its findings.
Kelly Carney, Executive Director, Phoebe Ministries
Jennifer Howanitz, Director of Rehabilitation Services, Phoebe Ministries
The Need for a Social Revolution in Residential Care
Research suggests that programs fostering engagement and peer support provide opportunities for residents to be socially productive and develop a valued social identity. This interactive session will explore a re-conceptualization of current practices that focus on entertainment and distraction, to one that centers on resident contributions and peer support. Presenters will offer a model for discussion—Resident Engagement and Peer Support (REAP)—for designing interventions that advance residents' social identity, reciprocal relationships and social productivity. Attendees will leave with viable take away strategies that have the potential to revolutionize current psychosocial practices from resident care to resident engagement.
Kristine Theurer , Founder, President, Java Group Programs, Inc.
Robyn Stone, Executive Director, LeadingAge Center for Applied Research
"Help me understand" Mrs. Katie: Empowering Positive Partnerships with Residents and Families
Are you frustrated by family members? Are you tired of confrontations with daughters who just don't understand? With her mother's words "Help me understand" and a knowledgeable steadfast voice, learn how one family member developed a positive partnership with the nursing home staff. Their success was based on knowledge, person-centered care, mutual respect and gratitude. The Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory and how it supports development of positive partnerships with staff, residents and families will also be discussed.
Karen Alizzi, VP of Residential Care, Madlyn & Leonard Abramson Center for Jewish Life
Rita Morris, Family Member
Alzheimer's and Memory Cafes:
Effective and Fulfilling Events for People Living with Dementia, with Families and Friends.
An Alzheimer's or Memory Cafe is a non-judgmental and safe environment where people living with dementia and their families can relax, have fun, and connect with others in the same situation. Many cafes have fostered friendships between participants. This session will inspire you and help you start your own cafe.
Jytte Lokvig , Founder and Facilitator, National Alzheimers Cafe Alliance
Jan Olsen, Co facilitator, Alzheimers Cafe
Eliminating Workplace Violence in Nursing
Experiences of Two Coalitions in Connecticut and New York City
Working in healthcare is rewarding, but can also be dangerous. CNAs have the highest incidence of workplace violence of any American worker. Seventy percent of nursing home staff are assaulted at least once a month; Certified Nursing Assistants an average of nine times a month. Over the past two years, two separate groups of nursing homes, in Connecticut and New York City, addressed this issue. Both groups worked with the Union representing their staff. This workshop will provide overviews of the approaches utilized and examples of assessments, curricula, policies, training activities and results. Nursing home staff will speak about their experiences in creating safer homes.
Lois Schram, Consultant, L/S Gerontology 1199SEIU Labor Management Project
Janice Dabney, Assistant Director, Labor Management Project, 1199SEIU Training & Employment Funds
Experiences of Two Coalitions in Connecticut and New York City
Working in healthcare is rewarding, but can also be dangerous. CNAs have the highest incidence of workplace violence of any American worker. Seventy percent of nursing home staff are assaulted at least once a month; Certified Nursing Assistants an average of nine times a month. Over the past two years, two separate groups of nursing homes, in Connecticut and New York City, addressed this issue. Both groups worked with the Union representing their staff. This workshop will provide overviews of the approaches utilized and examples of assessments, curricula, policies, training activities and results. Nursing home staff will speak about their experiences in creating safer homes.
Lois Schram, Consultant, L/S Gerontology 1199SEIU Labor Management Project
Janice Dabney, Assistant Director, Labor Management Project, 1199SEIU Training & Employment Funds
Engaging Residents and Families in CAUTI Prevention
Nursing home infections are the leading cause of mortality and morbidity for residents. Prevention of these infections is critical in order to promote resident safety. Engaging residents and families as partners in care around infection prevention is essential to promoting person-centered care, plus is an important opportunity to increase resident safety. Hear examples of how to engage residents and families in reducing CAUTIs; and identify tools and resources to educate staff, residents and families.
Lori Smetanka, Executive Director, National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care
Sue Collier, Clinical Content Development Lead, Health Research & Education Trust
Care and Implementation of CMS Proposed Rule Changes
This session will review and analyze the new proposed CMS rules for nursing facilities. Attendees will learn how person-centeredness is incorporated as a key principle, and will discuss how these rules can be effectively implemented to promote person-centeredness as well as improved quality of care in other domains. The limitations, pitfalls, and unintended consequences of these proposed rules along with challenges in implementation will also be identified in order to develop strategies to prevent shortcomings, undesirable actions or outcomes.
This session will review and analyze the new proposed CMS rules for nursing facilities. Attendees will learn how person-centeredness is incorporated as a key principle, and will discuss how these rules can be effectively implemented to promote person-centeredness as well as improved quality of care in other domains. The limitations, pitfalls, and unintended consequences of these proposed rules along with challenges in implementation will also be identified in order to develop strategies to prevent shortcomings, undesirable actions or outcomes.
Guide: Jonathan Evans, MD
Panel: To be announced
Panel: To be announced
Session B
Tuesday, August 2, 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Grand Transformations: Organizations Making Bold Moves
Successfully repositioning an occupied residential building takes leadership, vision, creative planning, quality care delivery, sound financial modeling and risk. Two organizations will describe how to overcome challenges, such as the logistics of relocating residents in a high occupancy setting, phasing, and coordinating with local and state licensing agencies. They will describe why they took these bold moves, how they managed the strategic position of the organization and the expectations of the residents during design and construction. Both transformations resulted in creating all or mostly private rooms and dedicated household environments.
Vernon Feather, Senior Vice President, SFCS Architects
Janet Lorenzon, Administrator, Liberty Lutheran
Cathy Emig, Administrator, Kendal Crosslands
Successfully repositioning an occupied residential building takes leadership, vision, creative planning, quality care delivery, sound financial modeling and risk. Two organizations will describe how to overcome challenges, such as the logistics of relocating residents in a high occupancy setting, phasing, and coordinating with local and state licensing agencies. They will describe why they took these bold moves, how they managed the strategic position of the organization and the expectations of the residents during design and construction. Both transformations resulted in creating all or mostly private rooms and dedicated household environments.
Vernon Feather, Senior Vice President, SFCS Architects
Janet Lorenzon, Administrator, Liberty Lutheran
Cathy Emig, Administrator, Kendal Crosslands
Transforming Dementia Care through Collaboration and Connectedness
During this interactive session, we will evaluate current stigmas, culture and practices and examine how learning from the perspective of individuals living with dementia enhances our ability to transform the culture of dementia care. The LIVING in My Today program will be introduced as an example of supporting individual strengths, personhood, relationships and personal well-being.
Melynda Anderton , Social Worker, Schlegel Villages
Jessica Luh Kim, Director of Education and Program Development, Schlegel Villages
Moving Toward a Person-Centered End-of-Life Experience
This session will focus on transforming the culture of end-of-life care to an individualized, person- and loved-one-centered experience. We will discuss assumptions and biases as well as practical methods of learning about people at the end of their lives and treating them as individuals with a lifetime of experiences, accomplishments, opinions and preferences. End-of-life symptom assessment and development of individualized, dignity-promoting treatment measures will be discussed. The intended outcome is increased understanding of methods of assuring that individuals and loved ones experience self-determined death in accordance with their wishes and values.
Elizabeth Hopkins, Clinical Nurse Educator for Hospice, Palliative Care & Rehabilitation,
New Mexico VA Health Care System
Twenty Percent = Success Programming: Re-evaluating the Activities Model to Address Lack of Participation and Engagement
As we continue to strive for person-centered care and truly understand residents as individuals, we must also learn to re-invent and discover new offerings in the arena of activities/life enrichment. With the coupling of generations in long-term care, one approach to engage and facilitate quality of life will no longer suffice. By dissecting and analyzing participation, and admitting there is room for improvement, Nicoya & Senior Care Centers are challenging staff with new initiatives that do not resemble activities as we know them but instead seek to meet residents where they are rather than conform their interests to a predetermined model.
Sara Kyle, Director of Resident Wellness, Nicoya Health and Lifestyle
Jana Russell, Manager of Resident Wellness, Senior Care Centers
Love is All You Need: Making Intergenerational Programs Work
Natural communities include people of all ages and life stages who are entwined in webs of relationships. This session will describe how to create life-enhancing connections and an authentic community in the most unnatural place: a residential community for older and disabled adults. Various models and approaches to intergenerational programming and ways to involve all generations in the life of any community will be discussed.
Kathryn Anderson, Director of Clinical Services, Providence Mount St. Vincent
Marie Hoover, Director, Intergenerational Learning Center, Providence Mount St. Vincent
Investing in the Frontline: Developing Leadership Opportunities for Resident Assistants
We know that Resident Assistants (RAs) are the heart and soul of resident-centered care. They have a critically important role in partnering with the resident and family and ensuring that the resident's well-being is at the center of the care team. In recognizing this, a program was developed whose immediate goal was to develop the leadership skills of RAs, with the overarching goal of improving resident engagement and ultimately resident-directed care. We will discuss the process for developing and sustaining our program, and a panel of RAs will share both the challenges and successes encountered on this ongoing journey.
Tammy Retalic, Chief Nursing Officer, Hebrew Senior Life
Doris Bertram-Morin, Director of Professional Development, Hebrew Senior Life
The Sunny Hill Story of Change
Sunny Hill Nursing Home of Will County, a county owned nursing home in Joliet, Illinois, has been on their Culture Change journey for the past 12 years. Tools and examples will be presented to help attendees put into practice some of the changes that have been successful for Sunny Hill in their journey. Learn how Sunny Hill transformed their dining program, eliminated alarms, gained the community's involvement, empowered the elders by starting a resident interview committee for hiring staff and other practices that have helped the home maintain their person- centered approach to daily living.
Becky Haldorson, Assistant Administrator, Sunny Hill Nursing Home of Will County
Starting the Revolution in a Circle!
Learning Circles are a powerful yet under utilized tool that communities and individuals can use to start and/or further grow as they seek to change the culture of aging. We will begin by sharing the history of learning circles as they support communication in cultures throughout the ages. Then, through discussion and doing, together we will learn the process for conducting learning circles, and experience first-hand how they can provide the "fuel" needed to change the culture - organizationally and personally. Participants will leave with the knowledge of how to develop a learning circle challenge in their organization.
Joan Devine, Board President, Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5)
Paula Lee, Person Centered Care Liaison, The Sarah Community
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Getting the Whole Story
The Human Being evolves his/her story beginning at birth. Culture change begins here, in the individual's first words and steps, the gaining of knowledge and skills, and ultimately forming a purpose in life. For the caregiver of someone living with dementia, recording life history is imperative in providing a quality of life for that person and adopting a person-centered philosophy. Learn how to be thorough in capturing the good, the bad and the ugly in the person with dementia – the REAL person—to make the best possible plan of care at home or in transitioning to other settings.
Dana Territo, Director of Services, Alzheimer's Services of the Capital Area
Katherine Schillings, Program Coordinator/Social Worker, Alzheimer's Services of the Capital Area
The Human Being evolves his/her story beginning at birth. Culture change begins here, in the individual's first words and steps, the gaining of knowledge and skills, and ultimately forming a purpose in life. For the caregiver of someone living with dementia, recording life history is imperative in providing a quality of life for that person and adopting a person-centered philosophy. Learn how to be thorough in capturing the good, the bad and the ugly in the person with dementia – the REAL person—to make the best possible plan of care at home or in transitioning to other settings.
Dana Territo, Director of Services, Alzheimer's Services of the Capital Area
Katherine Schillings, Program Coordinator/Social Worker, Alzheimer's Services of the Capital Area
The Role of the Physician & Other Members of the Team
When Planning Person-centered Care
In this world of person-centered care and individualized choices, learn what the roles of the physician and other members of the team are when care planning. How do we "safely" honor risky choices, while lessening litigation and citation risks for health professionals? Don't miss this presentation that blends a 'real life' case study with a skit to demonstrate the process of planning for person-directed care. A discussion follows of approaches and steps that can be taken by physicians and other care professionals to successfully work in the new culture of aging.
Diane Hall, Owner, Balanced Senior Nutrition
Christopher Mulrooney, Assistant Dean/Chief Operating Officer, Florida State University College of Medicine
When Practice and Policy Meet: Applying the CMS HCBS Settings Rule to the Goal of Promoting Community Integration in LTSS
The Home and Community-Based Services regulations issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in March 2014 set forth new requirements for several Medicaid authorities under which states may provide home and community-based services. This session will discuss innovative strategies and promising practices that states and providers of long-term supports and services may consider as they continue to flesh out how best to implement the HCBS settings rule by March 2019. Services to individuals living with dementia will be a significant focus of the dialogue. Technical resources will also be shared with participants for consideration and feedback.
Becky Kurtz, Director, Long-term Care Ombudsman Program, Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
How Do Elders Living with Advancing Dementia Voice Their Choices?
This session guides the care partner to recognize the variety of modes of communication from elders living with advancing dementia as they indicate their needs and choices throughout the day. Is the message being heard? Utilizing video case studies, care partners will evaluate elder communication to honor choices which foster self-worth, meaning and purpose for the elder living with dementia.
Linda Riccio, Vice President of Clinical Operations, Vertis Therapy
Disrupt Infections by Creating Community Immunity
The top three causes of hospitalizations for elders in nursing homes are infections, causing not only personal distress but costly hospital stays and use of resources. These infections and many others in all settings across the continuum of care can be prevented. This session will overview disrupting infections by creating "Community Immunity", which is an approach to elevating awareness about spread of germs leading to infection, and includes practical action steps to stem the spread of germs, including changing daily care practices and involving staff and family's commitment to disrupting infection.
Lynda Crandall, RN, GNP, Pioneer Network
The top three causes of hospitalizations for elders in nursing homes are infections, causing not only personal distress but costly hospital stays and use of resources. These infections and many others in all settings across the continuum of care can be prevented. This session will overview disrupting infections by creating "Community Immunity", which is an approach to elevating awareness about spread of germs leading to infection, and includes practical action steps to stem the spread of germs, including changing daily care practices and involving staff and family's commitment to disrupting infection.
Lynda Crandall, RN, GNP, Pioneer Network
Concurrent Session
Innovative Workplace Solutions: Nurse
Leadership Make-over
Health care providers continue to look for innovative workplace solutions that lead to a stable workforce. This session will describe in detail the innovative practices that have led to the successful transformation of a nurse leadership team from a dictatorial medical model to a staff empowered decentralized style of management.
Jalane White, Administrator, Pleasant View Home
Marilyn Stufflebean, Director of Nursing, Pleasant View Home
Health care providers continue to look for innovative workplace solutions that lead to a stable workforce. This session will describe in detail the innovative practices that have led to the successful transformation of a nurse leadership team from a dictatorial medical model to a staff empowered decentralized style of management.
Jalane White, Administrator, Pleasant View Home
Marilyn Stufflebean, Director of Nursing, Pleasant View Home
Experiencing Life with Dementia: It's Never Too Late
How much do we really know and understand about living with dementia, and how can we better design environments for residents living with dementia? Our team of senior living experts tackled this issue "head on" by living as memory care residents in communities across the country, using equipment to simulate the challenges experienced by and behavioral responses of a person with mid-stage dementia. A gerontologist followed three Architects and a CEO of a Pennsylvania provider through 24 hour stays in a variety of care settings. The speakers will share their first-hand experiences of "walking in the resident's shoes" with the audience.
Melissa Pritchard, Senior Vice President, SFCS Architects
Amy Carpenter, Senior Associate, SFCS Architects
Kendal at Hanover's Inner Light Program
This session will introduce attendees to Kendal at Hanover's Inner Light Program, our successful person-centered program of care. Our focus is to show how residents and staff benefit from maximizing choice, autonomy and comfort, allowing us to foster nurturing relationships in an environment that promotes wellness of mind, body and spirit. Participants will learn how to establish their own resident-centered care programs, and ways to inspire staff engagement.
Hailey Wetherbee, Assisted Living Administrator, Kendal at Hanover
Laurie Flynn, Director of Nursing, Kendal at Hanover
Engage, Inspire and Uplift People with Dementia
through a Dance/ Expressive Movement Program
This workshop will present a model for a dance/expressive movement program which is fun, engaging and esteem-building for older adults and people with dementia. The structure is designed to incorporate the movements and offerings of all participants, regardless of physical or cognitive abilities. Recent studies have found that dance has many benefits which range from a greater feeling of vitality, improved mood and reduced agitation to more coherent speech, increased neuronal pathways and possible protection against dementia. Caregivers/staff who enjoy dancing and moving will leave with the resources to implement such a program.
Donna Newman-Bluestein, Dance/Movement Therapist, Dance for Connection
This workshop will present a model for a dance/expressive movement program which is fun, engaging and esteem-building for older adults and people with dementia. The structure is designed to incorporate the movements and offerings of all participants, regardless of physical or cognitive abilities. Recent studies have found that dance has many benefits which range from a greater feeling of vitality, improved mood and reduced agitation to more coherent speech, increased neuronal pathways and possible protection against dementia. Caregivers/staff who enjoy dancing and moving will leave with the resources to implement such a program.
Donna Newman-Bluestein, Dance/Movement Therapist, Dance for Connection
Getting Household Dining Right, The First Time!
Implementing full-service dining in a household model of care can be the most challenging aspect in the culture change planning process. Delicious and nourishing meals need to be the centerpiece of daily care. The household kitchen must be the heart of the home. Don't take this huge step forward without some background and knowledge of the essentials for successful design, implementation, and training.
Jeffrey Goldone, President, J. Goldone Consulting and Training, LLC.
Coming Together is a Beginning, Keeping Together is Progress and Working Together is Success: Creating Synergy to Promote Culture Change
How do you create an environment where care partners feel valued and an integral part of the team? Imagine an Assisted Living community where departments join together to create synergy while establishing person-centered services. In this session, leaders of nursing, support services and recreation will present examples of how to successfully mentor and engage staff while empowering them to embrace the culture change revolution and remain compliant while maintaining 100% resident, employee and overall family satisfaction.
Marcia Ortez, Administrator, Francis Parker Memorial Home
Our Journey to Culture Change
Join us as we share our journey in changing from institutional to elder-centered care. We will discuss our rough start, challenges with implementation of these ideas, lessons we have learned, successes and what we would do differently if we had to do it all over again. Please join us as we share our stories and "Put yourself in their shoes."
Becky Lawson, DNS/AA/LNHA, Providence Seward Mountain Haven
Video Introductions - An Excellent Tool for Transitions
Elders and persons with different abilities experience transitions of location as well as care partners. Video introductions illustrate their specific needs to new care partners in order to provide continuity in care and stability for the individual. Session participants will work individually and within a group to plan the implementation of Video Introductions in their community.
Michelle Daniel, VP for Philanthropy & Strategic Implementation, Methodist Senior Services
James Tucker, Audio Visual Coordinator, South Mississippi Regional Center
A Dialogue on Improving Patient/Resident
Experience Throughout the Continuum of Care
From clinics and practices, to the acute setting, to long-term care, an unwavering focus on the experience of patients/residents and families remains a critical part of ensuring the best outcomes for those we serve. Through examination of the The Beryl Institute's biennial 'State of Patient Experience' benchmarking study and findings from interviews with leading long term care experts, participants will gain a broader understanding of the challenges and opportunities in creating excellent experiences across the care continuum. In addition, eight guiding principles for experience excellence and suggested application and key considerations for each will be discussed.
Stacy Palmer, Vice President, Strategy & Member Experience, The Beryl Institute
From clinics and practices, to the acute setting, to long-term care, an unwavering focus on the experience of patients/residents and families remains a critical part of ensuring the best outcomes for those we serve. Through examination of the The Beryl Institute's biennial 'State of Patient Experience' benchmarking study and findings from interviews with leading long term care experts, participants will gain a broader understanding of the challenges and opportunities in creating excellent experiences across the care continuum. In addition, eight guiding principles for experience excellence and suggested application and key considerations for each will be discussed.
Stacy Palmer, Vice President, Strategy & Member Experience, The Beryl Institute
Your Culture Change Journey Can Be Greatly Enhanced by Regularly Checking the Condition of Your Spirit and Your Soul
Contrary to popular belief, we all take our soul and spirit to work with us each day. It affects how we work and the attitude in which we approach daily responsibilities. This session will be about bringing your soul to work and how it can increase your effectiveness and bring more feelings, imagination, and heart to what it is that we are called to do as healthcare professionals.
Pastor Gary Gibson, Chaplain & Director of Pastoral Care, Presbyterian Senior Care
Decreasing Pain, Anxiety and Depression in Residents by Using Selected Interventions Applied by Student Interns
Holistic interventions, carefully selected from a range of options to fit specific individuals, were found to reduce pain, anxiety and depression in residents including those with different types of dementia. This intern-supported program at six Metron Nursing Homes showed that student interns could be readily trained to apply a variety of holistic tools. This session will describe the Metron program and suggest how it might be adapted for use in other settings. Cost and medication reduction benefits, intervention selection methods, intern training protocols, and the metrics applied to assess resident improvement will be examined.
Jamie Garcia, Director of Well-Being Services, Metron Integrated Health Systems
Joy Langereis, student intern, Western Michigan University
Put the Drugs Down and Turn the Music Up!: How Today's Technology is Transforming Aging
The more things change, the more they stay the same—at least for those providers who continue to deliver the same activity and engagement experiences they have delivered for years to their residents living with dementia. Yet the growth of person-centered technology in activity and therapy programming can't be denied. Why the disconnect? Learn from Presbyterian SeniorCare how the organization has successfully implemented person-based technologies to lessen isolation, increase a sense empowerment and well-being, and, in many cases, to alleviate behavioral expressions, resulting in the reduction of psychotropic drugs given to their residents living with dementia.
Jack York, President / Co-Founder, It's Never 2 Late
Carrie Chiusano, Executive Director, Dementia Care Center of Excellence, Presbyterian SeniorCare
Driving Successful Change Through Facilitative
Creating an organizational culture that welcomes the ideas and perspectives of all stakeholders, builds trust and inspires team members to develop a powerful sense of ownership is becoming a well known path. Teams develop the ability and flexibility to tackle complex challenges with creativity and confidence. Facilitative practices can respectfully and effectively address concerns, while removing barriers to success. As organizations engage in change efforts, it's the transitions involved that often give rise to the most arduous challenges. Session participants will explore how facilitative approaches can be applied to theses different phases of transition: awareness, letting go, chaos, and the new reality.
Laura Beck, Learning and Development Guide, The Eden Alternative
Denise Hyde, Community Builder, The Eden Alternative
Creating an organizational culture that welcomes the ideas and perspectives of all stakeholders, builds trust and inspires team members to develop a powerful sense of ownership is becoming a well known path. Teams develop the ability and flexibility to tackle complex challenges with creativity and confidence. Facilitative practices can respectfully and effectively address concerns, while removing barriers to success. As organizations engage in change efforts, it's the transitions involved that often give rise to the most arduous challenges. Session participants will explore how facilitative approaches can be applied to theses different phases of transition: awareness, letting go, chaos, and the new reality.
Laura Beck, Learning and Development Guide, The Eden Alternative
Denise Hyde, Community Builder, The Eden Alternative

Reflections on Aging from an Elder Sage
Jeff Jerebker, a national leader with over 40 years of experience in Long Term Care Management leads this Sage Conversation. Jeff was one of the original voices to champion the psycho social model with a career dedicated to leading care communities through transformation to person-centered care. Join him as he shares stories of the journey of aging from his wizened perspective.
Jeff Jerebker
Concurrent Session D
Wednesday, August 3, 8:00am - 9:30am
Person-Centered Leadership
The current environment requires its leaders to be more than ever before: strategist, financial wizard, visionary, coach, motivator and much more. This session will look at qualities exemplified by good leaders and help you to see how you measure up. We will explore leadership styles to determine yours. We will discuss techniques for improving your style and you will learn how you can better motivate your caregivers in a Person-Centered Culture. Participants will start to develop their own plan to develop into the leader they want to be. Leadership is learned – let's continue to grow!
Mary Tellis-Nayak, VP Quality Initiatives, MyInnerView
The current environment requires its leaders to be more than ever before: strategist, financial wizard, visionary, coach, motivator and much more. This session will look at qualities exemplified by good leaders and help you to see how you measure up. We will explore leadership styles to determine yours. We will discuss techniques for improving your style and you will learn how you can better motivate your caregivers in a Person-Centered Culture. Participants will start to develop their own plan to develop into the leader they want to be. Leadership is learned – let's continue to grow!
Mary Tellis-Nayak, VP Quality Initiatives, MyInnerView
Positive Work Environments for Nursing: Correlations to a
Culture of Change
Studies show that environments with certain characteristics help improve nursing satisfaction and retention. Pathway standards help organizations develop those characteristics. They represent traits that nurses and researchers agree are critical to an ideal practice environment. Recognition of these positive characteristics demonstrates to consumers, health care providers, third-party agencies, and potential accountable care organization partners that processes are in place to support a culture of safety, well-being, excellence, interprofessional collaboration, and innovation. The session will include case studies and testimonials of how a more satisfied and motivated nursing workforce led to better results for long-term care organizations around the country.
Leigh Hume, Appraiser Manager, American Nurses Credentialing Center-Pathway to Excellence
Christine Pabico, Director, American Nurses Credentialing Center-Pathway to Excellence
Studies show that environments with certain characteristics help improve nursing satisfaction and retention. Pathway standards help organizations develop those characteristics. They represent traits that nurses and researchers agree are critical to an ideal practice environment. Recognition of these positive characteristics demonstrates to consumers, health care providers, third-party agencies, and potential accountable care organization partners that processes are in place to support a culture of safety, well-being, excellence, interprofessional collaboration, and innovation. The session will include case studies and testimonials of how a more satisfied and motivated nursing workforce led to better results for long-term care organizations around the country.
Leigh Hume, Appraiser Manager, American Nurses Credentialing Center-Pathway to Excellence
Christine Pabico, Director, American Nurses Credentialing Center-Pathway to Excellence
Utilizing Appreciative Inquiry to Create a New Narrative about Older Adults
This session will help participants discover how to use strength-based and high-engagement approaches, along with the personal stories of elders, to inspire support and create programmatic improvements within home and community-based services and take advantage of the wisdom and talent that surrounds us as the population ages. A description of the Appreciative Inquiry process we utilized to "change the narrative about aging and older adults" and develop new program strategies that promote seniors' dignity, independence and quality of life will be described.
Jane Bavineau, Vice President, Neighborhood Centers, Inc.
Using Person Centered Discovery Techniques To Reflect Balance in Planning
This session will consist of a brief overview of five essential person-centered questions correlated to the CMS HCBS Settings Final Rule. Participants will be introduced to person- centered discovery skills that will assist them in exploring the boundaries of choice in the context of determining what is important to people. One page, person-centered profiles will be shared and a variety of issues for people using an array of long-term services and supports will be discussed.
Tanya Richmond, Senior Associate, Support Development Associates, LLC
Staff Engagement...Feel The Difference
This session will describe the key roles in a household model and discuss strategies that create a culture that promotes team empowerment and staff engagement. The challenges and opportunities of implementing and sustaining the household model and the benefits for both residents and staff will be described. Hear testimonials that share both trials and triumphs experienced during the journey from a traditional "facility" to a culture change home.
Rebecca Gauthier, Director of Nurses, Commcare Corporation
Vanessa Houck, Administrator, Riviere de Soleil
This session will describe the key roles in a household model and discuss strategies that create a culture that promotes team empowerment and staff engagement. The challenges and opportunities of implementing and sustaining the household model and the benefits for both residents and staff will be described. Hear testimonials that share both trials and triumphs experienced during the journey from a traditional "facility" to a culture change home.
Rebecca Gauthier, Director of Nurses, Commcare Corporation
Vanessa Houck, Administrator, Riviere de Soleil
Transforming Your Physical Environment to Reflect Culture Change
This session will explore the important questions and range of responses that senior living providers face as they try to address culture change needs when upgrading their physical plant. The primary teaching tool will be a Case Study comparing and contrasting two approaches that will draw on the experiences and perspectives of both Owner and Architect. Participants will acquire tools to clarify their organization's goals as they evaluate their current environments and will take away ideas of what to look for to make the most of what they have when budget constraints govern or their physical plant presents significant limitations.
Thomas Grden , Project Director, Stantec Architecture
Steven Tack, President and CEO, Quality Life Services
Exploring the Small Setting and the Home Plus Model
Organizations are on the lookout for the newest trends in bricks and mortar. Whether it is called a household, a small house or a home plus, the small setting is making a big difference in the lives of elders and staff. Four individuals who all bring their perspective to the presentation will describe in detail the blessings and bumps in the road as it relates to the small setting. The session will demonstrate how universal workers, a home atmosphere, and choices for the elders adds up to a very positive experience for all.
Jalane White, Administrator, Pleasant View Home
Marilyn Stufflebean, Director of Nursing, Pleasant View Home
Advocating for Choice: How Long-Term Care Community Social
Workers Can Become Advocates for Resident Rights
Long-term care communities employ social workers to provide multiple functions for residents, especially those with high levels of dependence. These include assessments of cognition and developing care plans, managing difficult resident reactions and identifying useful resources outside of care. However, social workers often lack training and preparedness for the important role as an advocate. This session will demonstrate the importance of this role and provide participants with a better understanding of tools available to long-term care social workers to become advocates for their residents, and how they can be leaders in creating a person-centered environment.
Christine Flynn, Regional Ombudsman Coordinator, VOYCE
Long-term care communities employ social workers to provide multiple functions for residents, especially those with high levels of dependence. These include assessments of cognition and developing care plans, managing difficult resident reactions and identifying useful resources outside of care. However, social workers often lack training and preparedness for the important role as an advocate. This session will demonstrate the importance of this role and provide participants with a better understanding of tools available to long-term care social workers to become advocates for their residents, and how they can be leaders in creating a person-centered environment.
Christine Flynn, Regional Ombudsman Coordinator, VOYCE
Vive la Revolution! Living Culture Change Through Engagement:
Embracing customer service and technology to truly know each individual
What does "culture change" mean to the individual living in a community? How do they feel cared about instead of cared for? We found that in our memory care communities it required a paradigm shift where everybody is a customer service agent. We focus on serving others and building relationships and the results are true engagement. To do this, we leverage technology that enhances living and purpose. As a provider, we'll share our experiences, best practices and tips for integrating a customer service model and technology into existing programming, training and care services to have an impact on real culture change.
Melany Sattler, MSW, Vice President of Clinical Services, SimpleC, LLC
Wayne Cash, Executive Director, LNHA, MACM, Oxford Senior Living
A Statewide Conference: Organization and Implementation
During this session, members of the Pennsylvania Culture Change Coalition (PCCC) will explain how to organize and implement a successful statewide conference. In recent years the PCCC has held several statewide events featuring nationally known speakers and averaging over two hundred attendees at each one.
Iain Crichton, VP PA Culture Change Coalition, PA Culture Change Coalition
Kathy Ardekani, Board Member, PA Culture Change Coalition
Honor, Dignity, and High Quality Living through Palliative Care
for Persons with Dementia
Because of the lengthy course of diseases with cognitive loss, people living with dementia stand to benefit from palliative care over a longer period of time than people with other terminal illnesses, yet very few palliative care programs for this population exist. Kendal Outreach developed a program that utilizes evidence based interventions, life history books, individualized music, pain management, person centered care plans, and end of life comfort to increase quality of life for persons living with cognitive losses. Participants will engage in an interactive education session, learning specific proven approaches that maintain dignity and improve quality of life for residents with cognitive losses.
Linda Hnatow, Regional Director and nurse educator, Kendal Outreach LLC
Janet Davis, Regional Director, Kendal Outreach LLC
Because of the lengthy course of diseases with cognitive loss, people living with dementia stand to benefit from palliative care over a longer period of time than people with other terminal illnesses, yet very few palliative care programs for this population exist. Kendal Outreach developed a program that utilizes evidence based interventions, life history books, individualized music, pain management, person centered care plans, and end of life comfort to increase quality of life for persons living with cognitive losses. Participants will engage in an interactive education session, learning specific proven approaches that maintain dignity and improve quality of life for residents with cognitive losses.
Linda Hnatow, Regional Director and nurse educator, Kendal Outreach LLC
Janet Davis, Regional Director, Kendal Outreach LLC
Breathing Life into Inspired Care, Implementing Action Pact's Household Model Across 77 Residential Communities in Australia.
Uniting of NSW Australia, is the largest not for profit provider of community and residential aging services in Australia. Led by visionary Steve Teulan who first heard about Action Pact's Household Model in 2007, they have embarked on a deep organizational shift. This intriguing journey has included starts and stops, stalls and fits AND successes and impressive outcomes! Join us to understand the structures, and systems of the change model and hear the stories and results that can help any organization large or small.
Linda Justin, Director, Continuous Service Improvement, Uniting
Megan Hannan, Executive Leader, Action Pact
Honoring Everyday Preferences of Nursing Home Residents:
Facilitating Choice and Satisfaction
Person-centered care and evidenced based practices are both highly valued in the culture change movement. Successful implementation of both requires soliciting resident preferences and offering choices. Increasing choices offered to residents is associated with better satisfaction as it values elders' right to self-determination. This hands-on session will offer evidenced-based information for nursing home staff to use in the facilitation of choices for residents.
Liza Behrens, Administrator/Project Coordinator, The Pennsylvania State College of Nursing
Laura Roy, Executive Director, Lutheran SeniorLife Passvant Community
Home Sweet Home: Lessons of the Maturing Green House Model
The Green House Project continues to evolve with each new implementation of this revolutionary model. Now, over a decade since the first homes opened, the collective experience of adopters, along with research released in 2016, has provided new information to further shed the institutional lens. Significant advancements have been made related to the normalization of homes through careful design and selection of Fixtures, Furniture, and Equipment (FF&E). This session will explore the feedback, analysis, and practical advice gained from thirteen years of implementation to reflect on the most critical and valuable decisions in the creation of real Home.
Rob Simonetti, Senior Associate, SWBR Architect
Debbie Wiegand, Project Guide, The Green House® Project
The Green House Project continues to evolve with each new implementation of this revolutionary model. Now, over a decade since the first homes opened, the collective experience of adopters, along with research released in 2016, has provided new information to further shed the institutional lens. Significant advancements have been made related to the normalization of homes through careful design and selection of Fixtures, Furniture, and Equipment (FF&E). This session will explore the feedback, analysis, and practical advice gained from thirteen years of implementation to reflect on the most critical and valuable decisions in the creation of real Home.
Rob Simonetti, Senior Associate, SWBR Architect
Debbie Wiegand, Project Guide, The Green House® Project
The Java Mentorship Study: Residents helping Residents
Loneliness and depression continue to be serious mental health concerns in residential care communities. In this interactive session, attendees will examine and experience the Java Mentorship Program, where residents, families and volunteers meet weekly for discussion and education, then pair up to seek out and support lonely/isolated residents. The program was implemented in 10 continuing care communities in the fall of 2015. The Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging and the University of British Columbia collaborated in a mixed methods trial to evaluate the program and its impact on loneliness and depression. Research results and lessons learned will be shared.
Kristine Theurer , Founder, President, Java Group Programs, Inc.
Susan Brown, Research Coordinator, Schlegel-University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging
Ageism: Recognizing and Destroying the Weed Sabotaging your Culture Change Journey
It's disguised in jokes, movies, music, and advertising. From years of internalizing these messages, it gets buried deep within us. Ageism, the last socially accepted form of prejudice and a global multi-billion dollar industry. Society views aging in terms of loss, decline and worthlessness. By shifting that focus toward the gifts Elders have to give and their well-being, we empower all care partners to create healthier lives for themselves and those for whom they care. This session will explore how ageism's underlying effects can damage a culture change journey and how to pluck this invasive weed by its root.
Mel Coppola, Owner, Hearts In Care, LLC
Chair Chi: Seated Tai Chi for the Movement Challenged Population
Chair Chi is a gentle exercise program developed by Pat Griffith to help people receive the benefits of traditional Tai Chi Chuan in the comfort and safety of their chair. This allows people who cannot stand, or do not feel confident with their balance, to participate. Pat is the founder of Chair Chi. He has been teaching at health clubs, senior and wellness centers and senior housing and long-term care since 1997. Chair Chi is currently in 30 states and Canada with approximately 2,400 instructors including Activity Directors, Physical, Occupational, Recreational and Massage Therapists, Doctors, Nurses, Personal Trainers and Managers of Senior Living residences.
Patrick Griffith, Founder, Chair Chi
Chair Chi is a gentle exercise program developed by Pat Griffith to help people receive the benefits of traditional Tai Chi Chuan in the comfort and safety of their chair. This allows people who cannot stand, or do not feel confident with their balance, to participate. Pat is the founder of Chair Chi. He has been teaching at health clubs, senior and wellness centers and senior housing and long-term care since 1997. Chair Chi is currently in 30 states and Canada with approximately 2,400 instructors including Activity Directors, Physical, Occupational, Recreational and Massage Therapists, Doctors, Nurses, Personal Trainers and Managers of Senior Living residences.
Patrick Griffith, Founder, Chair Chi
Coaching P.I.L.L.A.R.S. of Excellence:
Power Tools to Strengthen Leaders, Health Care Professionals, and their Teams
Are you feeling stuck? Do you feel derailed by competing priorities or resistance to improve? This session is designed to demonstrate through lecture and participation that the
P.I.L.L.A.R.S. of Excellence can be utilized to enhance teamwork among departments in care settings to elevate employees, engage them more deeply, and change the work culture from one of detachment, to one of inspiration, engagement, and growth. Taken from years of leadership work in aging settings, coaching, and social work, The P.I.L.L.A.R.S. of Excellence are both teachable and enormously powerful.
Sylvia Nissenboim, Counselor, Coach, Trainer, Lifework Transitions, LLC
Angela Keeven, LMSW, LNHA, Own Living, LLC
Charles House Daytime Eldercare and Eldercare Homes:
A Model for Community Eldercare
Charles House Association, a 25 year old nonprofit, has established an innovative daytime eldercare program and pioneered neighborhood eldercare homes using the household model. This session will describe both programmatic approaches to serving elders within the community.
Paul Klever, Executive Director, Charles House Association
Join the Revolution: How Montessori for Aging and Dementia Can
Change Long-Term Care Culture
Montessori for Aging and Dementia is an innovative approach that supports people by enabling them to make choices and to live as independently as possible. Roles and activities are developed for each individual which are meaningful to that person. Montessori principles result in increased safety, reduced agitation and "wandering", and promote self-esteem and independence. The Association Montessori International has newly established standards and training requirements for Montessori programs for elders. This program will share the international guidelines, provide concrete examples of the innovative work being done all around the world, and discuss how care communities can implement this person-centered approach.
Jennifer Brush, President, Brush Development Company
Montessori for Aging and Dementia is an innovative approach that supports people by enabling them to make choices and to live as independently as possible. Roles and activities are developed for each individual which are meaningful to that person. Montessori principles result in increased safety, reduced agitation and "wandering", and promote self-esteem and independence. The Association Montessori International has newly established standards and training requirements for Montessori programs for elders. This program will share the international guidelines, provide concrete examples of the innovative work being done all around the world, and discuss how care communities can implement this person-centered approach.
Jennifer Brush, President, Brush Development Company

Tapping the Root Wisdom:
Five Pillars of a Culture Change Champion
There is a root wisdom that underlies all culture change practices and strategies, It grounds our actions in the highest possible good we can bring to fruit at any moment. For each of us committed to championing a person centered community culture, this ancient-contemporary wisdom increasingly permeates our actions. It liberates our capacity to spread love, empowerment, equality and hope. Reflecting on these Five Pillars of a Culture Change Champion we will increase our capacity to embody Pioneer wisdom. These five pillars are Authenticity; Love; Vision; Compassion; Persistence.
Barry Barkan
Session E
August 3, 10:00am - 11:30am
Safely Honoring a Resident's Risky Preferences (SHARP):
An approach for cognitively intact, and mildly or moderately cognitively impaired residents.
A core value of Pioneer Network is: "Risk taking is a normal part of life." Residents with intact cognition or mild to moderately impaired cognition may have decision-making capacity to choose a preference that is potentially risky to themselves and others. Safety Handling a Resident's Risky Preferences (SHARP) is an approach that balances risk-taking and safety; it has potential to empower residents and staff. SHARP will be described. Participants will be asked to provide feedback on the approach and related documentation. Registered nurses, nursing staff, administrators, and interdisciplinary team members are invited to participate in the session.
Mary Dellefield, Research Nurse Scientist, VA San Diego Health Care System
Diane Carter, CEO, AANAC
An approach for cognitively intact, and mildly or moderately cognitively impaired residents.
A core value of Pioneer Network is: "Risk taking is a normal part of life." Residents with intact cognition or mild to moderately impaired cognition may have decision-making capacity to choose a preference that is potentially risky to themselves and others. Safety Handling a Resident's Risky Preferences (SHARP) is an approach that balances risk-taking and safety; it has potential to empower residents and staff. SHARP will be described. Participants will be asked to provide feedback on the approach and related documentation. Registered nurses, nursing staff, administrators, and interdisciplinary team members are invited to participate in the session.
Mary Dellefield, Research Nurse Scientist, VA San Diego Health Care System
Diane Carter, CEO, AANAC
To Be Somebody's Someone
Anyone working in aging services has probably heard, "It takes a special person to do what you do." The implication is that only individuals with special qualifications, training, or personalities can serve individuals in care communities. Perhaps the answer isn't in what we know, but in who we are in order to best serve the person who is non-verbal, who is actively dying, or who lives with a physical or cognitive challenge seemingly beyond our capability to address.
Kareen King, a Registered Drama Therapist, offers encouragement through specific narratives in connecting with those we would most like to avoid.
Kareen King, Registered Drama Therapist, The Golden Experience
Environmental Lighting: Technology's "Pill" to Reduce Sleep Disorders
in Older Adults and Caregiver Stress
Research over the last decade has greatly enhanced our understanding of how light synchronizes 24-hour human body rhythms, with sleep and activity being the most observable. We know that environmental light must mimic the natural light/dark cycle of daylight in both the color of light and intensity to maintain healthy circadian rhythms, especially for those living in residential care settings. This session will summarize the prevalence and consequences of sleep disorders among older adults; describe the circadian system (body clock) and how it works; and discuss how environmental lighting is being used to improve sleeping at night and alertness during the day.
Robert Dupuy , Lighting Designer, Robert Dupuy Consulting, L.L.C.
Eunice Noell-Waggoner, Lighting Designer, Center of Design for an Aging Society
Research over the last decade has greatly enhanced our understanding of how light synchronizes 24-hour human body rhythms, with sleep and activity being the most observable. We know that environmental light must mimic the natural light/dark cycle of daylight in both the color of light and intensity to maintain healthy circadian rhythms, especially for those living in residential care settings. This session will summarize the prevalence and consequences of sleep disorders among older adults; describe the circadian system (body clock) and how it works; and discuss how environmental lighting is being used to improve sleeping at night and alertness during the day.
Robert Dupuy , Lighting Designer, Robert Dupuy Consulting, L.L.C.
Eunice Noell-Waggoner, Lighting Designer, Center of Design for an Aging Society
Quality Care through Quality Jobs: Employee-Centric Strategies for a Person-Centered Workplace
Direct Care Worker jobs are among the fastest growing positions in America. Now more than ever, providers must stand out as an employer of choice through workplace practices that attract and retain mission driven employees. This session will explore the current demographic trends of our workforce and offer evidence based tools to create a person-centered workplace where employees feel valued, respected, and proud to work.
Susan Misiorski, Director of Coaching and Consulting, PHI
iGen Saskatoon: Bringing an Intergenerational Classroom to Life at Sherbrooke Community Centre
Elders laughing, kids shouting, energy abounding...this is what iGen looks like at Sherbrooke Community Centre in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. iGen is an intergenerational classroom which shares the home of Elders at Sherbrooke. Grade Six students apply to enter the iGen program and spend their full school year working, learning, and building relationships with Elders and staff. Find out how the first years of the iGen program brought new meaning to the lives of Elders, students, families, caregivers and an entire community.
Keri Albert, Teacher, Sherbrooke Community Centre
NextAge Mississippi: Connecting Older Adults to Resources for Successful Aging
NextAge Mississippi is designed to create a single point of access to empower older Mississippians to successfully age in place. Our definition of age in place is giving NextAgers the opportunity for personal growth and a meaningful life. It offers the right support with the right relationships, at the right time, in the right place.
Michelle Daniel , VP of Philanthropy & Strategic Implementation, Methodist Senior Services
Steve McAlilly, CEO, Methodist Senior Services
Culture Change: Relationship to Survey Deficiencies
During this session, participants will discover key components to measuring culture change and learn which components have significant relationships to survey deficiencies. There has been limited research in Louisiana on the impact of Culture Change implementation and the number and scope and severity of deficiencies. This presentation will review the highlights of research conducted in Louisiana which outlines the relationship. Future areas of research to advance the study of new models of care delivery in the long term care setting will be discussed.
Jolie Harris, VP Nursing, CommCare Corporation
During this session, participants will discover key components to measuring culture change and learn which components have significant relationships to survey deficiencies. There has been limited research in Louisiana on the impact of Culture Change implementation and the number and scope and severity of deficiencies. This presentation will review the highlights of research conducted in Louisiana which outlines the relationship. Future areas of research to advance the study of new models of care delivery in the long term care setting will be discussed.
Jolie Harris, VP Nursing, CommCare Corporation
"'Ramblin' Man,' Positive Interventions and Deep Understanding for Those Walking with Cognitive Loss"
There are no behaviors without a reason; they are simply unmet needs in action. The mission for care partners is to find the rationale behind that behavior and a person directed way to meet the need of the Elder. Participants will learn how to use Maslow's Hierarchy of Need to identify where the roots of "aimless" and "intentional" walking fall into the Hierarchy and share and discuss ideas about how to meet the need of the Elder. The team will learn how to apply holism and person-directed care sharing to uplift Elders and meet the need that inspires their desire to walk about.
Sandra Place, Administrator, Jackson County Medical Care Facility
Building a Comprehensive Evidence-Based Therapy and Wellness Fall Prevention Program
The purpose of this session is to increase understanding of fall risk in community dwelling elders and how to implement a comprehensive evidence-based fall prevention program though skilled Physical Therapy and Wellness to reduce the risk, keep residents healthier, and help improve community marketability.
Melissa Ward, Director of Clinical Services & Elite Living, Functional Pathways
A Toolkit to Fix Your Culture Change Challenges
Having 23 communities in eight states makes it very challenging to initiate and sustain culture change. Creation of a Toolkit, which incorporates the components of our culture change journey, the ACTS Signature Experience (ASE), has enabled our communities to meet this challenge. Our ASE Toolkit addresses person-centered living, hospitality, customer service, wellness, language and Quality Assurance Performance Improvement (QAPI). To complement the information within our Toolkit, we have added valuable resource materials and the "how tos" for success. It is a user friendly guide for all stakeholders and will not only introduce you to culture change, but will also assist you in maintaining the momentum and sustaining the journey.
Peggy Brenner, Regional Director of Nursing, ACTS Retirement-Life Communities, Inc.
Revolutionizing the Culture by Overcoming Barriers
Are you contemplating changing the culture of your organization, but have met resistance or obstacles? Learn about common areas of resistance and how to overcome them. Hear from three homes that are at various stages of organizational change and learn how they have overcome resistance and obstacles to seeing change happen.
Laci Cornelison, Project Coordinator, Kansas State University
More than Meds: It's About Meaning and Purpose
More Than Meds is a project funded by CMS and the New Jersey Department of Health to reduce the use of anti-psychotics through person-centered care. But it really isn't just about anti-psychotics! It is thinking differently about how we can support nursing home residents (and all members of the team) to have meaning and purpose and how we have to change the way we do things to make this happen. In this session, members of the project team will share their experiences, successes, and lessons learned in changing their communities to become better places to work and live.
Sonya Barsness, Owner, Sonya Barsness Consulting LLC
Michele Ochsner, Instructor/Co-Director, Occupational Training and Education Consortium
School of Management and Labor Relations Rutgers University
Banishing the Stigma: Bridging Relationships Between Residents of Varying Cognition Using Art!
There are many stigmas concerning Alzheimer's and Dementia. These stigmas are shared among a large number of the residents currently residing in assisted living and nursing homes. Many residents are uncomfortable with the idea of interacting with others who have memory loss and believe these people are no longer able to create or participate in meaningful activities. Art programming has been used as a bridge in my organization to develop rapport and relationships between residents of varying cognition. Learn how our home's Art Program is banishing resident stigmas and encouraging collaboration. Take this program back to your community and watch the stigmas slowly dissolve!
Colleen Keegan, Director of Activities/Membership Chair, Attic Angel Community/ NAAP
Cognitive Aging: Maximizing Capacity and Changing Culture
Physical aging is widely accepted, and as a result, adaptive devices, tools and supports are implemented to compensate for physical challenges. Cognitive aging, on the other hand, tends to be stigmatized, with less awareness, understanding and acceptance. As a result, techniques and strategies to address both normal and abnormal cognitive aging are underutilized. The BayBridge Senior Living approach to supporting cognitive changes has a conceptual framework that applies to all residents, whether they live in Independent living, Assisted Living or Residential Care. This session will focus on the culture change that surrounded implementing these approaches.
Heather Palmer, Regional Director of Memory Care, BayBridge Senior Living

How Do You Change a Culture?
Many people agree with the tenets, goals, and desired outcomes of culture change and have spent decades trying to change culture in various settings, with mixed success. How does culture change occur? What are the necessary steps? How do people really change their own behavior? What are the barriers and how can they be overcome. This session addresses these fundamental issues in order to inspire meaningful change now and in the future.
Jonathan Evans, MD
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