Monday, June 29, 2015

Traveling to Omaha Tuesday morning

© Imelda Maurer, cdp   June 29, 2015

The Sisters of Mercy have a very intentional and active network around issues of aging and aging services for their own Sisters.  The individual in Omaha who is the staff person responsible for the overall program for the retired Sisters for the Mercy Sisters' West Midwest Province is Kris Sullivan, MHA, BSN.

Kris told me not too long ago that they (the group in Omaha, I believe) are looking at and working on what comprehensive professional preparation and continuing education should be provided for those individuals, lay and religious, who serve their retired Sisters in unlicensed settings where there are not federal or state regulations to guide them.

I invited myself to Omaha because I’m eager to learn about the thinking and the work on this ‘curriculum’, and the programs that are part of daily life there for the Mercy Sisters in Omaha. My knowledge of Kris, gained through a few phone calls and browsing their website has revealed a woman who is well prepared academically for her position and who brings such great energy and passion to her work.

Early this evening I went to Kris’ LinkedIn page and found the following ‘comment’ written by a person who regularly visited the Sisters there at their convent.  I include it here because it reflects such positive images of what life must be like for the Sisters and the staff at that Mercy convent. Clearly the scope of the work there goes far, far beyond “good (physical, nursing) care” and embraces every aspect of daily life.  I’ll share my experiences here when I return on Wednesday.

“Comment” on LinkedIn Page

I was a weekly visitor to retired Sisters of Mercy that I worked with when I was an elementary principal. I saw firsthand how Kristine and her staff took care of every need for these Sisters from health care and accommodations to activities and entertainment. Kristine put together a fantastic staff, provided needed training, supervised operations and did so with respect for both her staff and the sisters for whose care she was responsible. Outstanding administrator, great person.

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