Thursday, August 31, 2017

So deeply embedded in our culture that we do not recognize it

 © Imelda Maurer, cdp

I was surfing through Facebook not long ago and searched for a business associate from my past. This woman is about age 60.  I found her page and read one of her recent public posts which I copy here:

“Did a little shopping today. I'm always taken by how polite the clerks and other shoppers are -- greeting me, opening doors, young people letting me go ahead of them in line. I keep hoping it is not because they think I am old!”

Does your heart break like mine when you read this? Another woman, well-educated and in positions of authority and policy-making for many years, reveals her blindness to the lie, and her acceptance of that lie that ‘old is bad and young is good.’

One of the most serious consequences in acquiescing to this lie of the tenets of ageism is its impact on each person who believes it, and then lives with it. There is a lowered self-image along with, as research tells us, poorer physical, mental and social health outcomes in later life.  These consequences are a kind of poverty that we cannot abide!

There is a second consequence of not recognizing internalized ageism. If ‘old is bad’, I will do everything I can to avoid that label, and to unconsciously separate ‘them’ from me. The old become ‘the other’. We are not like ‘them’. I believe that this mindset of internalized ageism is a major reason why the culture of aging services continues in so many places to be so impersonal and so institutional.  With the blinders of ageism firmly in place, one cannot imagine how life might be different for those needing supportive services, how those in our care are not ‘them’, but ‘us’.

A renowned geriatric social worker, Carter Williams, addressed this very issue when she convened the Pioneer Network Conference in 2013. In my next entry I will share Carter's deeply honest and vulnerable remarks about her shocking recognition of her own internalized ageism.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

"Let's End Ageism"

At the Pioneer Network Conference in Chicago last week, our keynote speaker was Ashton Applewhite. Ashton has taken on the task of fighting the insidious and pervasive presence of ageism in our society because, as she says, "it is the last socially accepted prejudice". At the same time it is also the only prejudice that every human being is subject to if one has the gift of years.

Applewhite's book is entitled "This Chair Rocks: a Manifesto Against Ageism" and I highly recommend it.

Just this morning I saw an eleven-minute Ted Talk video given by Ashton this past April. You can access it here.